Aylan Yoga School Uluwatu Offers a Tantric Yoga Class

Often, when we hear the word “Tantric yoga class,” our first thought is of sex. While it’s true that tantra has a sexy history, it’s important to remember that sex is only one slice of the tantric pie. Think of it like the crust in Grandma’s apple pie: it’s part of the whole, but not the only part.

Tantric yoga uses many yogic and meditative practices to help you become more aware of your body and energy, as well as connect with your spiritual essence. It includes mantra chanting, visualization, and ritual to cultivate a heightened state of mindfulness and self-awareness. It also emphasizes the union of opposites, such as masculine and feminine, light and dark, and passion and peace.

Explore a Tantric Yoga Class at Aylan Yoga School Uluwatu

The physical practice of tantric yoga combines asana (physical postures), pranayama, meditation, and the use of chakra-activating rituals to awaken the dormant Kundalini energy within. The result is a spiritual experience that opens your heart and mind to deeper understanding and compassion for yourself and others.

The practice of non-dual tantra yoga is not only a path to inner peace and freedom, it’s also a means to transform your relationships. It’s not about how bendy you are or what brand of yoga pants you wear, but rather about being present with the physical sensations, impulses, thoughts and emotions that come up in each moment. It’s the ability to stay anchored in your center, even when the world around you feels chaotic and out of control.

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