Alternatives to Washing Soda

Washing soda is a fantastic cleaner that tackles stains and odors in laundry and around the house, but there are other alternatives out there, too. Some are even less expensive and a little more natural.

Alternatives to washing soda is to simply use baking soda, which is a mild alkali and very safe to have around kids and pets. It can be used to clean fabrics, deodorize, and much more. You can also try using soda crystals, which are similar to baking soda but with a larger crystal-like texture. They are more effective at breaking down grease and can be used in the oven as well as for scouring greasy pots and pans, dishwashers and drains. Just be sure to wear gloves when handling as it can irritate skin.

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Other options for alternative cleaning products to washing soda include borax and vinegar. Borax is another alkaline, but more caustic than baking soda, and is often used for laundry boosters, as a natural deodorizer, to help soften water, and for other household cleaning tasks. It’s a natural and eco-friendly choice, but like all chemicals should be handled with care, and stored in a dry place.

Lastly, you can also opt for lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide as alternatives to washing soda. Both of these are acidic but are a great substitute for stain removal. They can be used in combination with other cleaners, or on their own for lighter cleaning jobs. They’re especially good for removing organic stains, such as wine and coffee, from textiles and clothing, and they can be used as a water softener.

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